Calculating wage loss in personal injury cases while self-employed.
In our previous blogs, we discussed in summary time missed from work after an accident and compensation for lost wages. As discussed previously,...
In our previous blogs, we discussed in summary time missed from work after an accident and compensation for lost wages. As discussed previously,...
In the United States you are provided certain workplace protections by law. In order to ensure that employers are complying with these laws, Congress...
Temporary Partial Disability (TPD) benefits are paid when an injured employee cannot return to work in a full time capacity or when the injured...
Senior Citizen Disability Benefits If you are 65, or 60 and retired and receiving a pension, your automobile insurer must continue to provide...
With the advent of new enterprises that rely on cutting-edge technology, the landscape of insurance coverage is getting shaken up. In 2015, the...
Picture this: you’re stopped at a red light waiting for the light to turn green when the driver behind you isn’t paying attention, rear-ends you and...
Some people develop chronic pain after being injured in an accident. If physical therapy, chiropractic care, and/or medication fail to resolve your...
The holiday season is fast approaching, and with it comes snow, crowded highways, and more commercial vehicles on the road delivering packages. Motor...
Previously, this space has discussed ways that residents of the State of Minnesota can be qualified for medical coverage under their automobile...
Every year, at all times of the year, almost anywhere we go, we all face the risk of getting injured while going about our daily lives. We typically...
Under Minnesota law, if you are injured at work or suffer a work-related injury, you have the right to collect workers’ compensation benefits....
My minor (under 18) child has been injured, how do I resolve their case? Unfortunately, not even children are immune from being injured in an...
A motor vehicle accident can be an stressful experience for a number of reasons. You may find yourself seriously injured, without a vehicle, and...
When you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, we always recommend that you seek and focus on your medical treatment. But when bills...
Picture this: you were in a car accident, you are injured, you are feeling all types of emotions—scared, worried, concerned—you don’t know what...
Your body and your health are your greatest investments. You may have seen advertisements and videos explaining how exercise, foods, and even...
First off, allow me to congratulate you on reaching a settlement. A settlement is a compromise, which means you likely didn’t get everything you...
In previous articles, we have covered what to do (or not do) when you are injured in a motor vehicle accident. We have also outlined what benefits...
You have probably heard the term “attorney-client privilege” on television, but what does this phrase really mean? At the most basic level, the...
The Minnesota Workers’ Compensation statute provides for four types of benefits that can be paid to people that were injured while on the job: Wage...
Anyone who has spent time in Minnesota knows how difficult it is to avoid slipping when everything is covered in ice. But falling is not unique to...