Aaron Ferguson Law Blog

Preparando una Queja de OSHA por Condiciones Inseguros del Trabajo Por Benjamin Kline, Esq. — Aaron Ferguson Law

Escrito por Benjamin Kline, Esq. | 06-jun-2023 18:40:16

En los Estados Unidos hay ciertas protecciones legales que todos tienen en sus sitios de empleo. Para asegurar que tus empleadores están siguiendo estas reglas, el congreso creó a un organización titulada el Administración de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional (“OSHA”). El trabajo de OSHA es para “proveer condiciones seguros y saludables para trabajadores y enforzar estandartes buenos por el entrenamiento, educación, y asistencia.” Incluso cuando tienes un trabajo peligroso, tu empleador está legalmente requerido a hacer todo lo posible para proveer un ambiente seguro para el trabajo.

If at any time you feel there is a safety issue that your employer refuses to address, even after you have brought the issue to their attention, then you should report the issue to OSHA.

File a complaint online

If you follow the link above to OSHA’s website, there are step-by-step instructions on how to easily file a complaint regarding a safety issue at your workplace.  OSHA also accepts complaints by phone, fax, or mail.  Filing a complaint will trigger an inspection and investigation of the workplace and could result in fines for the employer if they are found to be out of compliance with safety standards.  You may file anonymously so your employer does not have to know you initiated the complaint.  Retaliation against employees who report unsafe working conditions, such as termination or reduction of hours, is also strictly forbidden.

It is not your job to know for sure that your employer is violating any law or doing something wrong. You can file a complaint simply if you feel your safety or the safety of others is at risk. OSHA inspectors will determine if your employer is doing anything wrong.

Our experienced workers’ compensation attorneys will fight to get you a maximum recovery.  If you or someone you know has been injured at work, please call our office at 651-493-0426 to schedule a free consultation.